Friday, July 30, 2010

Shakespeare in the Park

So tonite my sweetie and I are going to see A Winter's Tale for Shakespeare in the Park!
For anyone not from NYC-every summer the Public Theater in Manhattan puts on plays in this amphitheater in Central Park. And rising up behind the outdoor stage is this beautiful castle like place-its a magical experience to sit outside on a balmy summer night and watch a good show.
The last show I saw there was Hair-which was so much fun and popular that they've put it on Broadway.

You'll notice all these boxes, since we're still setting up our new apartment. I tried to take this opportunity to pretend it was a challenge from America's Next Top Model and pose with the boxes...cuz I'm a dork.
And you will notice that none of these pictures are cropped or photoshopped or are even straight-i can't find a piece of my tripod and we don't have wifi yet, so I'm stuck with my sweety's computer, which has no photoshop!
If I wanted my pictures to look pretty I would have to do this whole process where I take pictures somehow, put the camera card in my laptop, photoshop it, put those pictures on a thumb drive and upload it onto my sweety's compy....not a horrible process. But I'm way too lazy.

I love these two prints together...I just worry that they're too matchy-matchy in color.

I got this top on super clearance from Target for like 4 bucks...its so light and see through. I love how when light goes through it looks like stained glass...

I spent this morning (after my sweety went to work) trying to put away all my shoes from the move.
It was so funny...before the move he was perplexed and asked, 'why don't you just get rid of all the shoes you don't wear?'
I didn't have the heart to tell him all my shoes were going with us through this move.
Maybe if I had a little more notice, I could've spent more time trying to give them away or sell them...but the move was just too sudden, my heart couldn't take the strain of being separated from them so suddenly.

top: target
skirt: f21
shoes: thrifted
necklaces: dark one-gift, light one-bead store in nyc

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