Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Get Down with the Sickness

So this past weekend was my sweety's birthday and a group of us went to the New York Renaissance Festival.
I had never been to this one and it was a blast! A friend of ours knew lots of people in it so we stayed most of the day to see them in certain shows. The guys threw knives and axes in the games, some of us did archery, me included (I am horrrrrrrible at it).
We drank mead (I had never had it, sooooooooooo delicious!!), ate fried dough, bangers n mash. We pretty much ate a lot, walked around a lot, watched a lot.

I forgot my camera, though our friend did take some pictures. Maybe I can get my hands on them.
I was all for dressing up in full on Renaissance garb, though I decided against it since I was going to be one in eight people who would be. One of the best parts in going is seeing people wearing period costumes. <3

I should post the outfit I wore to it, it was pretty cute.
Speaking of cute, i found this top at Goodwill! I was dubious looking at it on the hanger until I tried it on. Its a plain fawn color, I can see why maybe someone might've donated it. But i can't resist the design, the tie shoulders on the arms, the side ruffles, the deep V in the back and the deep tie on the bust.

Why does my hair always look so uncombed? Sigh.

This necklace is pretty sweet too. I thought it would make me look edgy, lol!

Close-up of side ruffle, go!

For his birthday, my sweety made a cake. Before I sound like a bad girlfriend, he totally wanted to do it. I think I wasn't home the night he did it too so I couldn't even help. Anyway, I helped him decorate it. Do you enjoy the little strawberry octopus I made?

And the hello kitty toaster on our counter?

After the Faire, we all came home and made dinner. We snacked on pears, cheese and wheat thins and then made a shrimp scampi, spinach and this awesome pasta dish with squash, pasta and goat cheese. And the cake for dessert, of course.
I was starting to get sick so by the time we were done eating and watching a terrible movie called Strange Brew (A Canadian version of a Cheech and Chong movie which involves beer instead of pot and Rick Moranis instead of Cheech Marin) I was super tired and slept through most of the movie.

outfit deets:
top: thrifted
skirt: gap
necklace: charlotte russe

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